
彭博在大中华地区的业务持续增长,在内地及香港的业务团队不断扩张 。加入彭博,和我们一起,助力金融市场更加繁荣!




New York Headquarter

Group Interview (Invitation only)
Date:    Monday, October 9, 2017
Time:    6:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Venue: 731 Lexington Ave, New York

Date:    Tuesday, October 10, 2017
Time:    8:30 AM-11:00 AM & 1:00 PM-4:00 PM
Venue: 731 Lexington Ave, New York

Please scan QR code:



体育活动是普林生活的重要部分,学校里有完备的场地、设施和器材:DillonGym内有篮球、羽毛球、乒乓球、壁球场地,健身房,游泳池,也提供各类健身操课。进入赛季后,PowersField、Jadwin Gym、DillonGym中会有普林的足篮排球队等与其他学校的比赛。在新生orientation中,学校里各类运动社团也会进行宣传,感兴趣的同学别忘了到时关注。





地点:Graduate College塔下集中



地点:Dillon Gym main floor


地点:Poe Field 集中






ACSSPU主席团换届选举将在本周四(4月6日)下午5点30分于Friend Center 004举行。为了让ACSSPU能够更好的服务普林斯顿的华人学生学者,请前来现场为5位候选人投下你宝贵的一票!我们将在选举开始前为大家提供免费中餐便当,大家也可以在选举前后兑换或购买ACSSPU主题T恤。



薛力荣 ORFE G2

鲁焜 ORFE G1

贺冠华 Molecular Biology G1


薛力荣 ORFE G2

鲁焜 ORFE G1

贺冠华 Molecular Biology G1

张天汉 MAE G2

李大可 Economics G1


时间:2017年4月6日 星期四 17:30

地点:Friend Center 004




17:00至17:30:观众入场 发放选票

17:30至17:45:现任主席述职 之后停止发放选票




19:00至19:10:现场唱票 公布结果


  • 本次选举将选出主席团主席一名,主席团成员最多五名。
  • 主席团主席选举为差额选举。现场观众可填写选票将选票投给三位主席候选人中的一位或弃权。得票最多的候选人当选主席团主席。如出现最高票同票情况,将现场举行二次投票。主席团主席将自动进入主席团。
  • 主席团成员选举为无差额选举。现场观众可填写选票分别对五位候选人表示支持、反对或弃权,支持率超过50%的候选人当选主席团成员。若主席团成员候选人得票率不足50%,主席团成员席位顺次递减。
  • 每张选票必须填写。主席团主席只能单项选择三位候选人之一或弃权。主席团成员每位候选人只能单项选择支持、反对或弃权。多选和空白选票将按废票处理。
  • 选举过程中,禁止将投票权移交他人,且禁止将本人填写完的选票移交他人投入票箱。若发现,当事人员将被取消投票资格。当事选票将作为废票处理。


  • 新一届ACSSPU学生会主席团主席及成员选举结果将在选举结束计票后现场公布。
  • 新一届ACSSPU学生会成员信息将在竞选结束一周之内通过ACSSPU官方微信公众号及官方邮箱发布。


  • 如有同学对以上过程有任何疑问,请于2017年4月6日前发送邮件至acsspu@princeton.edu。
  • 欢迎广大同学对整个选举过程进行监督。

ACSSPU 2017-2018届招新公告



        时光飞逝,转眼间又到了普林斯顿大学中国学生学者联合会(ACSSPU)每年换届选举的时间。过去的一年里,ACSSPU先后举办了职业交流,T恤设计,新生关怀,中秋晚会,运动比赛,秋冬出游,新年联谊,Chinese Lunch等多项活动,并上线了ACSSPU新官方网站,官方论坛,校友数据库等交流平台。学联全体成员非常感谢普林斯顿的老师和同学们对我们一直的支持,也希望学联举办的活动给大家带来了快乐、收获与归属感。


一、 换届招新职位:


二、 报名要求:


三、 换届流程:

1. 报名


2. 提交材料





3. 公布候选人竞选资料


4. 现场选举


5. 结果公示

        新一届主席团名单将在现场选举后公示一周。ACSSPU其他各部门负责人将根据报名结果由新一届主席团选拔产生。公示结果将通过ACSSPU邮箱以及官方微信平台发布,如有异议者请发送邮件至 acsspu@princeton.edu


1. 本次换届招新的竞选及投票细则将于报名截止后通过ACSSPU官方邮箱及官方微信平台发布。

2. 如果对此次学联换届招新有任何的疑问或建议,欢迎及时与竞选委员会白明儒(mingrub@princeton.edu)、帅惟韬(wshuai@princeton.edu)、王青璨(qingcanw@princeton.edu)联络。

3. 欢迎所有普林斯顿学生学者对本次换届选举的监督。


















McKinsey & Company’s Insight Asia Pacific Program 2017

Deciding what to do after you finish your advanced degree? Consider management consulting and McKinsey. We bring together an outstanding group of colleagues, from a wide variety of backgrounds – from medicine to law, engineering, economics and digital – to help leading organizations tackle their most complex challenges. We have long been a leader in strategic management; the amount of work we are doing in areas such as data science, software engineering, machine learning, corporate restructuring, and change management is growing rapidly. As our firm evolves, we are looking for more and more people like you – experts in their fields – to join our community.

At McKinsey, you’ll find a home in one of our 110+ offices around the world. You may work in any one of 22 sectors – from high tech to healthcare – and/or 12 business functions – from marketing & sales to analytics or sustainability – serving clients in all sectors. You may continue to dive deep into your existing area of expertise or explore new subjects. You’ll put your hypothesis-based problem-solving skills to use while receiving the mentorship and support you need to succeed. No matter your educational background or interests, you will shape a career that fits your calling.

We welcome you to learn more about exciting programs and roles available to you at McKinsey, including a great lineup of summer-long weekend experiences. In particular, we wish to highlight our Insight Asia Pacific ProgramInsight 2017 This exciting 3-day summer program from June 18-21 gives non-MBA advanced degree students an insider’s look into management consulting, covering a range of topics important to those who are exploring alternative career possibilities.  The program’s agenda includes an overview of management consulting, an introduction to the type of work we do, a management consulting case study and participate in social activities in the city of Chicago. It also gives you a great opportunity to network with colleagues from our Asia Pacific offices and learn about this exciting region.

Insight Asia Pacific is for students dedicated to starting a career with McKinsey in Asia Pacific (Australia, Greater China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam, or any of our Digital McKinsey and Operations offices in Asia Pacific).  Applicants should be fluent in English and one of the following languages (based on office interest): Bahasa, Japanese, Hindi, Korean, Malay, Mandarin (Cantonese preferable for Hong Kong), Tagalog/Filipino, Thai, or Vietnamese (or English alone for those interested in Australia).

Web Events: This March, we are hosting several web-based presentations to help you learn more about McKinsey and our global opportunities. Please visit the Online Events section of our website for details on these presentations and to RSVP. Please note that our Asia Pacific office web-based presentation will take place on March 23 at 7:00pm EST.

Dropbox: Check out additional content in our Advanced Professional Degree Recruiting Dropbox, including information on the full time hiring process and our 3-day Insight programs this summer. You can download the Dropbox app for your phone or access on your computer: APD Opportunities Dropbox.

We aspire to be the best professional services firm in the world for all of our colleagues, regardless of race, gender identity, sexual orientation, or background. To learn more about McKinsey Women, please view our women’s brochure. To learn more about our other diversity networks, including the McKinsey Black Network, the Hispanic and Latino Network, and GLAM (LGBTQ colleagues at McKinsey), please visit the Diversity & Inclusion section of our website. Additionally, we invite you to join us for a few of our upcoming diversity related web-based presentations in March.

McKinsey & Company select practice information:

Digital McKinsey (over 12 locations in the Asia Pacific region): Digital McKinsey offers candidates an exceptional opportunity to work at the intersection of Digital, technology and business. We help our clients embark on end-to-end digital transformations, creating value by reinventing the core of their businesses.  If you have a passion in digital, and joining a smaller community appeals to you, you should consider Digital McKinsey.

Operations (over 18 locations in the Asia Pacific region): The Operations Practice helps our clients transform every aspect of their operations, from manufacturing to customer support. Our impact is seen in dramatic improvements in efficiency, productivity, quality and flexibility.  If you have a high interest in Operations as well as you having some Operations background, you should consider the Operations Practice.

We look forward to getting to know you more and are happy to answer any questions.

Kind regards, Lizzie Kothari (McKinsey Asia Pacific office Recruiter)

Lizzie Kothari / McKinsey & Company, 1800 Larimer St. | Suite. 2210 | Denver, CO  80202 / T. +1 312 363 7639



地点:Frist campus center 302

宣讲人: 程鑫 教授 (南方科技大学材料科学与工程系系主任)


14:30Feb. 11 (Saturday)

Frist campus center,room 302


Prof. Xin CHENG (Chair of the Department of Materials Science and Engineering)

All welcome! Food,snacks, and soft drinks will be served at the event!



南科大目前教师总数268位,其中院士14位,长江学者12位,千人计划人才34位,青年千人计划人才60余位。2016年以我校为依托单位成功申请到青年千人14名,居全国第九名,成绩瞩目。2016年,南科大取得多项突破性的成果:获得各级各类科技项目总计197项, 总获批经费3.72亿元, 人均项目费约200万元;“自然指数2016新星榜”增刊显示,在全球100家高质量科研论文增长最显著的国家和机构中。南科大排名第62位,增速高达2442.5%,排全球第3位。






应聘者请登录南方科技大学在线招聘网站http://talent.sustc.edu.cn直接提交申请,并将下述申请材料的电子版打包发送至qinsh@sustc.edu.cn 或 liurx@mail.sustc.edu.cn(纸质版简历可自愿在宣讲现场提交):

1 个人简历(包括完整的学术论文列表)

2 研究兴趣与计划陈述

3 教学理念陈述

4 五篇代表性论文全文

5 三封推荐信






1月27日周五(农历除夕)上午,ACSSPU将在NGC Common Room直播央视春晚,欢迎强势围观!同时,我们现场会准备包饺子食材,期待着你一展厨艺,为大家献上属于我们的年夜(wu)饭(fan)!(什么,你说你不会包只会吃?那也欢迎啦~)

活动时间:1月27日07:00(春晚直播开始时间)至13:00;地点:NGC Common Room


[滑雪+水上乐园]2月2日至3日宾州Camelback Mountain冬游之旅

2017年2月2日至3日(周四至周五),普林斯顿中国学联将在农历新年过后、春季学期开学前夕为大家带来Camelback滑雪+水上乐园之旅。本次冬游将包括位于宾夕法尼亚州的Camelback Lodge一晚住宿,Acquatopia Water Park两日门票,Camelback Mountain Resort滑雪门票(lift ticket)或snow tubing二者选一,以及学联组织提供的来回交通。滑雪器具租赁并不包含在内。

毗邻雪道的Camelback Lodge度假村建于2015年,内有室内游乐场,arcade,迷你高尔夫,攀岩,zipline等娱乐施舍。度假村自带美国东海岸最大的室内常温84度的Acquatopia Indoor Waterpark水上乐园。



Camelback Mountain Resort拥有34条雪道,其中39%为初级雪道,9%为高级雪道,其余难度适中,适合不同水平滑雪爱好者。滑雪场同时提供滑雪课程及私教课。如若对滑雪并不感冒,也可选择进行snow tubing,轻松体验雪上飞驰的刺激。

Camelback Mountain Resort雪道及缆车全图如下:

本次冬游活动学联将以团购价集体预订酒店房间。我们拿到的价格为Double Queen Suite $229(原价$269,均为税前)/每间,可住2至3人。学联将根据报名同学要求分配房间,并收取每人平均的费用(每人$77或$115)。此价格将包括住宿、水上乐园两日门票、滑雪一日门票(lift ticket)或snow tubing二者选一。雪具租赁的价格为$39(全天)或$29(3PM后)。我们另将向每位搭车同学收取10美金交通费,并向每位开车的同学提供60美金的补偿。

我们拟于2月2日上午10点于GC/Lakeside/Lawrence集合出发,经1小时40分钟车程到达Camelback Mountain Resort。两日自由活动后于2月3日傍晚启程回校。既畅游冰山体验冬日纵雪趣味,又尽情玩水穿越夏日清凉欢乐,希望同学们不要错过这次学期间放松心情的好机会。ACSSPU也会提供各类棋牌桌游,盼同学们呼朋唤友加入我们!

【杰青会】2017 新年聚会!报名即可参加~

The 2017 first Student Mentoring gathering for Princeton University students will be hosted on 1/8/2017 (Sunday) by Drs. Yu Lei and Yiping Wang at their residence. We will have 3 mentors for this gathering, Dr. Yiping Wang, Dr. Lei Yu and Dr. Guoping Zhao, who will cover their professional experience in academic, collaboration between china and US, as well as some basic personal financial knowledge. We are also open to other questions and interests you may have during the meeting.  The details for this event are as follow:


Date: 1/8/2017

Time: 5 pm – 8 pm

Location: 129 Berkley Ave, Belle Mead, NJ. 



5 PM –  Arrival 

5:15 – 6:15 PM Social hour and dinner 

6:15 – 7:45 PM group session

8:00 PM Meeting adjourn


For registration:


Here are the bios for the mentors.

Dr. Guoping Zhao is a molecular microbiologist. Currently, he is the Director of Laboratory of Synthetic Biology at the Institute of Plant Physiology and Ecology, Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences (SIBS), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) and the Head of Department of Microbiology and Microbial Engineering, School of Life Science, Fudan University. He has been leading both teams working towards microbial synthetic biology since 2008. Dr. Zhao was elected as a member of the CAS in 2005 and was the President of Chinese Society for Microbiology from 2006 to 2011. He served as a member of the advisory committee for the State High Technology Development Program (863) from 1996 to 2005 and has been serving the review panel of National Nature Science Foundation, China since 1995.

Dr. Zhao was appointed the Director of Shanghai Research Center of Biotechnology (SRCB), CAS, in 1997 and the Vice-President of SIBS in 1999, where he began to work for the Human Genome Project of CAS. Since 2002, he has been the Executive Director of Chinese National Human Genome Center at Shanghai and Director of National Engineering Center for BioChip at Shanghai. Over the years, he has been involved in a few research projects related to “omics” studies. He particularly focused on genomics-based studies of microorganisms, such as that of Leptospira interrogans, Mycobacterium tuberculosis and industrial actinomycetes. His contribution to the evolution genomic study of SARS coronavirus was instrumental for understanding the SARS molecular epidemiology.

Dr. Zhao obtained his Ph.D. degree of Biochemistry from Purdue University, Indiana, USA in 1990 and returned to China in 1992 as the founding Production Manager of Shanghai Promega Biological Products, Ltd, a subsidiary joint venture of SRCB, CAS. He was promoted to full Professor in 1995 after rejoining the Shanghai Institute of Plant Physiology, CAS.

Dr. Yiping Wang earned her doctorate degree in Child Development and Family Studies, from Purdue University.  She was a faculty member at three different universities for the past 20 years.  Her research specialty is in the adverse impact of parental drug abuse on family functioning and child development from a longitudinal perspective.  In her spare time, she volunteers for non-profit organizations both within the US and internationally.  She was elected to and served on Montgomery School District Board of Education from 2007 to 2009.  For the past several years, she has found her second career with passion: Helping individual families to achieve an enjoyable relationship with people and a fulfilling relationship with money; together, these help people to reach their fullest potential.

Dr. Lei Yu is a Distinguished Professor at Rutgers University.  He is a molecular neuroscientist interested in the relationship between brain and behavior, based on one’s genetic makeup and life habits.  In 1993, he and his students first reported the molecular cloning of the mu opioid receptor — the biological key molecule that mediates the effects of such drugs as morphine, heroin, and opioid pain analgesics.  His research centers on the molecular and genetic bases of complex brain disorders, including genetic predisposition for alcoholism and drug abuse, and molecular mechanisms underlie such neuro-sensory processes as stress, neuropathic pain, and pain-relief analgesia.

Dr. Yu received his Ph.D. degree in 1987 from Caltech (California Institute of Technology).  From 1988 to 2005, he taught medical school and conducted biomedical research, first at Indiana University School of Medicine, and then at University of Cincinnati College of Medicine.  He was recruited to his current position at Rutgers University in 2005.  In addition to be a career educator at higher education institutions, He was also elected to and served on Montgomery School District Board of Education from 2010 to 2014, where he chaired the Assessment, Curriculum & Instruction Committee.

Hope to see you there.